Wednesday 1st April Home learning Mulberry Class

Wednesday 1st April 
Home learning Mulberry Class

Hi Mulberry Class
Thank you to everyone who has tried these activities on blogger.
Today is officially the last day of term, so tomorrow I will post some Easter activities that you could do over the next 2 weeks, if you want to, or if you get a bit bored and would like something to do!!

Happy Easter,
Mrs Morris

Mental maths

Practise your 4 and 8 times tables


practise your times tables on 

(Choose Level 3/ multiplication / x4 tables OR x8 tables)

Geometry - directional language and angles

Give robot instructions to another person to make them move around your home. Can you make them dodge the furniture in your house? 

Instructions such as:

·         Move forward 2 steps
·         Turn 90 degrees to your left
·         Move forward 3 steps
·         Turn right  etc

You could then use these words (forward, backward, left, right, turn 90 degrees) to make a trail for yourself to follow.


1) Using the picture of the animal you chose from yesterday’s blog – lion, giraffe or owl;

Make a list (going vertically like a shopping list) of all the features of that animal, but this time, put the features in order starting from its head, all the way to its tail.



This is going to be the start to a ‘spine’ poem.

Use your work from yesterday (describing the features of that animal), turn each feature of the animal into a descriptive sentences. This will create a verse of poetry. It is called a ‘spine’ poem.

For example, this is my poem:

Its round eyes stare intensely around trying to find its prey.
The beak curves over like a moon.
It ruffles its soft feathers, as if the wind is blowing.
He pulls out his powerful wings, ready to fly.
The legs grip onto the branch and he pushes himself.
His talons grab his prey and he enjoys his dinner.

Afternoon activity

R.E. / Easter
1) Why do they think the egg is used as a symbol of new life?
What does the egg represent?

2) Look at an egg and discuss the life cycle of a chicken. Talk about eggs hatching and the new life of a baby chick.

3) Watch a video of chick hatching from an egg

4) Draw a picture of the life cycle of an egg becoming a chicken (as in the picture above) OR of a chick hatching from an egg.

5) Why is an egg an important symbol of new life? 

(Did you know? Even before Christian times, gifts of eggs were exchanged at springtime. The Greeks, Chinese and Persians all gave one another eggs to celebrate new life in nature)


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