Tuesday 24th March Home learning Mulberry Class

Tuesday 24th March 
Home learning Mulberry Class

Morning Mulberry Class, hope you tried all of yesterdays work. Today we will focus on addition and describing your robot hero using similes. In the afternoon, imagine you are with your class on a normal Tuesday afternoon, as I have made some suggestions for a science task.

The school have posted ideas for exploring your 5 senses whilst learning in the outdoors. You will find the link for these on the home page of the 'East Harling Primary School website' - click on the green wording that says 'learning outside activities'

Mental maths

Practise your 3 and 4 times tables

Maths – Addition

Write out any additions to 20 or 100
e.g. 1 + 19 = 20
      17 + 3 = 20
      20 + 80 = 100
      40 + 60 = 100
      34 + 66 = 100

Try these examples:

Write similes to describe your robot hero from yesterday. (see ‘simile’ sheet in your learning pack)

A simile describes the object like something else.
It uses the words like or as in the comparison

e.g. He is as big as a house.
He is fast like a racing car.

Afternoon activity

Science – ‘Light and shadows’
1) Name some different sources of light e.g. candle, lamppost

2) Put some washing up liquid and water in a bowl. Blow bubbles into the water with a straw. Look at the spectrum of colour shining on the bubbles. The colours separate because each colour changes direction by a different amount when it travels through clear materials. This is called refraction.

3) Create a picture of a rainbow with the spectrum of colours you can see on the bubbles.


  1. Thank you Mrs Morris - these daily activities are really helping Sonny to stay focused at home


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