Monday 23rd March Home learning for Mulberry Class
Home learning for Mulberry Class
Monday 23rd March
(see your log in details on sheet in learning pack)
There are
new challenges to help you get rewards.
Place Value
Use your knowledge of place value (hundreds, tens and ones) to
work out these numbers (see sheet in learning pack called ‘Place value’)
Can you create a three digit number and write it in words?
E.g. 631 is six hundred and thirty one
The Iron Man is a fantasy or science-fiction story.
Do you
know of any other fantasy or science fiction stories?
The Iron Man is the hero
of the story.
Design your own robot hero (see ‘my robot hero’ sheet in your learning
Topic – Go
outside and create a Stone age home using stones, mud, twigs etc
Draw a picture of a Neolithic scene with a person, their home, fire, a ploughed field and animals from
that time.
Thank you for the work - we had a great time making stone age homes and trying to make fire with flint.