Monday 30th March Home learning Mulberry Class

Monday 30th March 
Home learning Mulberry Class

Morning Mulberry Class, hope you managed to get outside to get some fresh air this weekend.
I will be blogging another set of activities to do this week. These activities are guidelines of ideas, so please do any of them that you are able to. I've tried to keep the tasks to the routine of a normal Monday.
We are starting some work on poetry this week, so today I have given you some poetry to read and think about. If you are able to get out into a garden, then have a look at what wildlife you can see outside too.
Mrs Morris

Mental maths
Go online to use sumdog:  
(see your log in details on sheet in learning pack) 

Multiplication and division
Think about what multiplication and division you have learnt, in lessons in school this past term, and how you can use these skills to answer these questions:

1) Read these wildlife poems aloud.

2) Identify the adjectives to describe the animals’ features.

3) Decide on your favourite phrases to describe wildlife and creatures in the poems.

Afternoon activity
Topic – Stone Henge

Stonehenge is one of the most famous landmarks in Britain, the unique stone circle is situated in 

Wiltshire and we believe it began being built around 5000 years ago.
most famous pr
In your learning pack, you will find 2 pieces of card, one with the circular mound of earth and the other with the stones from Stone Henge drawn on.

Can you cut out the stones (Part A, B and C) then fold, curve them round and stick them on Part D to create a 3D model of Stone Henge?

What else can you find out about Stone Henge?


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