Tuesday 31st March Home learning Mulberry Class

Tuesday 31st March 
Home learning Mulberry Class

Mental maths

Work out these quick calculations either in your head, or by drawing it to help work out the answers.

Maths-  Money

Notice (below) that you can look at an amount of money, and work out how much there is, then write the amount using the £ symbol e.g. £2.04

1) Try Challenge 1:

OR Challenge 2:


1) Look at the pictures of the animals and choose one animal

Make a list of all the features of that animal e.g. Lion – fur, nose, ears, whiskers, teeth, paws

2) Take each feature in turn and brainstorm as many words as can think of e.g. 

Fur is soft, golden, thick
Paws are large, powerful, dangerous.
Ears are upright, listening, alert.

(keep this work for tomorrow)

Afternoon activity
Science - reflections

What surfaces can give a clear reflection?  
(e.g. mirrors, glass, shiny metal and even water but only when it’s still)

Pay some mirror games:

1) Mirror Writing
Write a short message in normal writing (between one to three words is enough). Then hold a mirror at the right hand side of the page, so you can see your message reflected in the mirror.

2. Copy the message you see in the mirror onto another piece of paper, so that your writing is reversed.

3. Give it to a family member to decode, let them use a mirror to help!

2) Mirror maze

Outside create a wavy line on the floor (either draw one using chalk on the paving slabs or create a wavy line using something long like a piece of string or your dressing gown cord)

Hold a mirror over your head so you can see the line and your feet reflected in it.
By looking only in the mirror, try to follow the wiggly line from one end to the other.
Take your time when carrying out this task and be very careful.

Why does looking into a mirror make this task hard? (rather than looking directly at the wavy line)


  1. Thank you again for the daily blogs - they are keeping us all on the straight and narrow! Laura and Sonny


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