Thursday 26th March Home learning Mulberry Class

Thursday 26th March 
Home learning Mulberry Class

Please also look out for Miss BB's youtube posts of her reading stories which your children could watch. She has already created posts of her reading 'Oi frog' and 'Giraffes can't dance'.
You will find them on the East Harling Primary school website/ click on Classes/ click on  'Beech classes blog'. If you get a chance, allow your children to watch Miss BB telling the stories to help your child have a calm time during their day!!!

Mental maths

Practise your 5 and 8 times tables


Practise your times tables on
Choose Level 3/ multiplication / x5 tables OR x8 tables

Maths – Symmetry

Use a mirror to see reflections of items around your home. Create symmetrical patterns by moving the mirror closer to the object. 
Draw a picture of a symmetrical object like a butterfly or a face, or symmetrical shapes like a square, rectangle, hexagon, circle.
Is the line of symmetry a horizontal or vertical line? 
Can you draw the line of symmetry on your drawing or shape?

OR decide if these shapes are symmetrical or not:


Sort these shapes using your knowledge of symmetry on:

Extension – What capital letters have a line of symmetry?


Complete the next reading comprehension in your Reading detective booklet 
(see separate ‘Reading detective booklet’ sent home)

Afternoon activity

Handwriting – Practise your joined up handwriting.

These are ‘up the hill’ diagonal joins:

il        ah

ch       rt

eb      ok 

Can you join the letters together like I did:

Have fun with jumpstart Jonny-

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