Week 1 Summer term Mulberry Home learning grid

Week 1 Summer term 
Mulberry Home learning grid
Week beginning 20 April 2020

Hello Mulberry Class, I hope you all had a fun time over the Easter break.

Below is a link, that will take you to a grid of home learning for this week
Look at the grid, and you will see that each row has 3 activities in it - a maths, a literacy and another activity that you could do during the day. 
Some are short activities, some will involve you going outside and some will get you to think about what you have learnt in class during your time in Year 3. 
If you want to post any of your achievements, then log into 'edmodo' using your Mulberry Class code, which was e mailed to your parents last week.

I look forward to finding out what you have all been up to.
Mrs Morris

Click here to find your home learning grid:

If you want to make the grid larger, then click on the magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen (fit to width)


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